Tuesday, April 23, 2019


I ended up using a continuous light with a gel off to the left and a continuous light behind the camera facing me from above.

(I am not entirely sure how this was taken. I think they used a combination of orange and red gels on a strobe on the left side, then from behind/to the rightish/above of her maybe they used an octobank? The light seems soft, so there must be a pretty large light source, but they used flash in order to make it appear like night?)
---I feel like this could have been better if taken outside using a speed light with orange gel in the evening hours. 

Assignment 13: Window Light

Natural Window Light :
 1/160, f/16,  ISO:100

OctoBank With Diffusion:
1/160, f/16, ISO:100

4 strobes reflected/diffused:
1/160, f/16, ISO:100

Wednesday, April 10, 2019